Being Lutheran
Being Lutheran
Ep. 280 - John 1:1-5

In this episode, Adam, Brett, and Jason continue their examination of Article 1 of Part 1 of the Smalcald Articles by doing a Bible study on John 1:1-5.


  1. Regarding the last 2 minutes of the podcast Kretzmann commentary
    The relation of the Logos to mankind is brought out most beautifully. In Him is life, the true, divine, immortal life, chap. 3, 15. 16 ; Rom. 2, 7; 5, 10. 17. 18. 21. He is the absolute Possessor of all that may be called life; He is the Fountainhead of life; all true life has its origin in Him. It is not physical life to which John has reference, -for that has a different name in the Greek language, but spiritual and eternal life. Of all these He is the Author, the absolute Possessor. Outside of Him, as outside of the Father, there is no life; And the life in Him, which was the fountain of existence for all true, lasting life in the world, was, at the same time, the light of men, of all men. Life and light are synonymous: the two words characterize the work of Christ. The life which Christ gives to men, wants to give to all men, is that which incidentally illumines their dark hearts and minds. That is its glorious purpose, and that purpose is to be realized by the life-giving powers of the light, by the illuminating powers of the life. According to the usage of Scriptures, light is identical with salvation, Ps. 27, 1; Is. 49, 6; 60, 1. 2. Christ, the Messiah, is the Light of the Gentiles, because He is the salvation, the Savior of all men.

    Do you agree with this
    It is not physical life to which John has reference, -for that has a different name in the Greek language, but spiritual and eternal life.

    1. Far be it from me to disagree with Kretzmann, so I’m prone to trust him on this. I’m no expert on Greek, so I’d have to do some digging, but I do remember something like this being said in my seminary classes.

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