Being Lutheran
Being Lutheran
#342 - SA 3.9, Part 2

In this episode, Adam, Brett, and Jason continue a series examining Article 9 of Part 3 of the Smalcald Articles. Update: Adam did not drown tragically in the Atlantic Ocean.

One Comment

  1. What happens when the children of members of a congregation are living in co-habitation? I know only because I was told by the young person’s mother. I hold that information close to my breast. The young person is also a member, but not a regular attender. Next Sunday, the young person and their co-habitation partner arrive in church and it is Communion Sunday. I watch them walk up to the alter rail and receive communion. I assume the pastor knows the situation, but he serves the communion. I would rather not know any of this. I would rather not look, but there it is.

    For my part, I asked to meet with the Pastor and I shared my concern. I was basically told to let it be. I saw two more similar situations and finally a man in a Nursing Home who had been widowed and was now co-habiting with his girlfriend in the bed beside him. I knew the pastor was bringing him communion. I begged him to talk to the pastor and marry or separate. This time I was called into the Pastor’s office and told I could never visit that person again. (I had first visited with his wife, then she passed and I would step in to say hi and maybe read a devotional) But perhaps I was wrong in doing that as a woman.
    My question is: From the perspective of a pastor. Should those co-habiting have been denied communion while they lived in sinful unrepentance? What should I have done? I know this is somewhat subjective because the relationships with the parents and elderly gentleman make a big difference as to how my “correction” may have been received. Also, I’m sure the pastor and elders felt very defensive and perhaps did not know themselves what to do. Often the remedy was, “They are not doing anything wrong” “They will be married soon anyway.”
    I ruffled a few more feathers, with a few more questions. And that was it.

    I was never barred from communion myself, but was eventually excommunicated from fellowship and told I could not walk through those doors again.
    Many relationships have since healed, but I am hesitant to go back to the premises for funerals of dear friends. I know you don’t have all of the details but this podcast hit close to home. You may not want to post it on your site. Use your own judgment.
    May Jesus Christ be praised.

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